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The Ultimate Guide to WhatsApp API Message Templates [2024]




In March 2023, Meta released new WhatsApp API message pricing rules, and as of June 1, 2023, the WhatsApp Business API session types were adjusted from two to four:

(1)Service message--User-initiated sessions

(2)Marketing message-- Session opened by a message template of type Marketing.

(3)Notification session (Utility message)-- Sessions opened by message templates of type Utility.

(4)Authentication session (Authentication message)-- A session opened by a message template of type Authentication.

What are the message templates for different types of sessions? How to utilize these message templates?

01 What is a WhatsApp Message Template (Template)?

WhatsApp message templates, also known as Highly Structured Messages (HSM), are predefined messages. You can set different template contents and replace them with dynamic variable data as per your requirement.

For example, a WhatsApp message template content is shown below:

Thank you for your inquiry, {{1}}. Your order number {{2}} has been shipped, welcome to stay tuned to YCloud.

Here. {{1}} respond in singing {{2}} It is the position of the variable that is reserved, and you can replace it dynamically according to the corresponding information.

When this template is used to send a message to someone named Judy Y with order number #112288, it will look like this:

Thank you for your inquiry Judy Y. Your order number #112288 has been shipped, please keep checking back with YCloud.

To maintain quality and avoid spam, WhatsApp reviews and approves every message template you send within 48 hours. Once your template is approved, you can use it to communicate with your customers.

02 Why use WhatsApp templates?

WhatsApp has introduced a rule that if a user initiates a chat with you, you can continue the customized messaging conversation via WhatsApp an unlimited number of times during the 24-hour window in which the person sends you a message, andCharge to one serviced session only.

But outside of the 24-hour window, if one wants to continue to reach out to the other party.You can then only use the template messageSend a message and WhatsApp will then charge you a corresponding fee based on the type of message you send.

So, basically.Message templates are the only way you can re-engage with your customers outside of a 24-hour window. If you want to send a WhatsApp Marketing Broadcast message to all subscribers, you must use a template message.

03 WhatsApp includes which template types?

Starting June 1, 2023, WhatsApp allows businesses to create Notification templates (Utility templates), Authentication templates, and Marketing templates.

When you create a template, Meta reviews and determines the type of template based on its content.

If the submitted template content does not match the selected type, you will see a warning in the WhatsApp Manager:

This message template will be rejected

Authentication templates

Authentication templates enable organizations to authenticate users using one-time passwords (i.e., OTPs, which are typically 4-8 digit alphanumeric codes), potentially at multiple steps in the login process (e.g., account verification, account retrieval, etc.).

Validation templates are the most demanding of the three. To use a validation template, an organization must:

  • Use WhatsApp's preset verification message templates, which include optional add-ons such as security disclaimers and expiration warnings.
  • Configure a one-time password button (copy code or one click).
  • Follow content restrictions: URLs, media, and emoticons are not allowed in authentication template content or parameters. Parameters are also limited by a 15 character limit.
define typical example
Provide authentication codes to users
  • {{1}} is your verification code.
  • {{1}} is your verification code. For your safety, please do not share this code with others.
  • {{1}} is your verification code. This code will expire in 15 minutes.

Notification templates (Utility templates)

The notification template is used in connection with a specific transaction that has been entered into to accomplish one of the following: confirm, discontinue or change a transaction or subscription.

⚠️ Note:For any template that mixes transaction-related and marketing content will Meta be categorized as a marketing template.

define typical example
Confirmation or suspension of existing transactions
  • Order number: 55770908 has been confirmed.
  • Your order has been canceled; refunds will be returned in the same manner within 3 business days.
  • Thank you for your pre-order, we will ship within 48 hours.
Changing or updating transactions
  • Your order has been shipped and is expected to arrive this Thursday.
  • The show you purchased will begin at 5:00 p.m. today.
  • Your profile has been updated.
Account, bill or payment advice
  • You have successfully paid for order number xxxx / Your payment failed, please try again.
  • Your monthly statement details have been sent.
  • The balance of your account with tail number 'XXXX' is insufficient, please replenish it in time.

Marketing templates

Marketing templates are more flexible in their positioning and are not related to a specific deal, but may instead be related to a business or its products or services. These templates may include promotions or offers; welcome greetings or closing remarks; updates, invitations or suggestions; or requests for responses or completion of new transactions.

⚠️ Note:Any template that mixes notification content and marketing content will be categorized as a marketing template.

typical example
Promotions or Offers
  • Thank you for your order! Get 15% off your next order!
  • Your balance is insufficient; please click here to top up! You will be rewarded with 10%.
Welcome message or closing remarks
  • Hello and welcome to YCloud's WhatsApp page!
Request a response or complete a new transaction
  • Thanks for ordering. If you have any comments or suggestions, you are welcome to make them. Please click here for details.
  • Applications are waiting for you to complete, click here.
  • You missed your most recent appointment, click here to reschedule.

⚠️Note: The above examples are for illustrative purposes only. The actual situation is subject to Meta audit.

04 Media Examples of Message Templates 

Text Templates

Text templates are simple message templates that contain text messages. Allows you to insert personalized variable content into the message, such as the user's name or order number.

Picture Templates

Picture templates allow you to send messages with picture attachments. You can include text and dynamic parameters in the template and add picture attachments to the message. Picture templates are typically used to send product images, event posters, etc.

Video Templates

Video templates allow you to send messages with video attachments. Similar to image templates, you can include text and dynamic parameters in the template and attach video files. Video templates can be used to send product demos, event promotional videos, and more.

document template

Document templates are used to send various types of document files such as PDFs, Word documents, etc. You can include text and dynamic parameters in the template and attach the desired document file.

Interactive Text Templates

Interactive text templates allow you to create interactive conversations with multiple response options. You can set up question and answer options in the template and users can interact with your business by selecting one of the options.

Interactive Media Templates

An interactive media template is a message template that combines media content and interactive elements. It can contain images, video or audio and be used with interactive elements (such as buttons, links, etc.) to provide a richer experience for the user.

05 Tip: How to recall users outside the 24-hour window

As mentioned earlier, after 24 hours without any communication with your customers, you can only re-engage with them using template messages instead of free messages.

We can use the interactive templates mentioned above or utilize WhatsApp's own message liking to get feedback from the user with minimal action on their part. Here are two examples:

  • Hi {{1}}. We received your message, but it seems that you contacted us outside of our working hours. As a result, we were unable to respond in a timely manner. Please click "Continue Contact" below and we will contact you within 24 hours.
  • Your message has been received and we apologize for not getting back to you in time. If you would still like to hear from us, please click the button below ! Our team will contact you within 2 hours. 

According to Meta's policy, you can only use the full messaging template functionality if you have access to the WhatsApp Business API. Therefore, you need to work with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) to gain access to the WhatsApp Business API.

YCloud, as one of the first BSPs in Meta Greater China, not only provides you with access to the service, but also has more built-in features for you to choose from, including:

1. Out-of-the-boxmass media player
2. WhatsApp-based customer service workbench
3.WhatsApp based QR code, short link and chat component tool for secure and compliant customer list capture 4.WhatsApp business account contact management tool
YCloud offers multiple discounts for companies going overseas, no handling fees, no software registration fees, $2 free with registration, access to theYCloudPick up!


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